
Meet Brandon

Brandon is passionate about helping others achieve their goals and leaving a positive impact on those around him. He is able to do just that by working with the AMEND team and organizations in the Cincinnati community.

Brandon brings value by using data to make better business decisions. His exposure to manufacturing and installation environments gives him a well-rounded view of business. He enjoys analyzing data, finding a solution, and taking it through successful implementation.

Outside of work, Brandon spends a lot of time with friends and family. He also enjoys being active by playing sports, working out, and hiking. One item on his bucket list is to visit every national park in the US.


University of Cincinnati, B.S. Industrial Management (2015-2018)

University of Cincinnati, M.S. Business Analytics (2019)


Ops, analytics


Working out, hiking, watching/playing any sport, watching Marvel movies

Fun Fact

His bucket list includes visiting all 59 US National Parks.


“AMEND gives me the opportunity to work with and learn from great people while doing interesting work in the great community of Cincinnati.”

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