by Waqas Tanveer

It is said an individual cannot fully understand something until they have experienced it. No matter if it’s something big like changing jobs, losing someone you care about, or moving across the country, or something small like getting a new car, winning a golf outing, or serving with a new community group – it’s impossible to fully understand the gravity of any situation, the emotions that comes with it, or the lessons it offers unless you have these experiences first-hand.

Our experiences shape our beliefs and goals while forming our individuality.

Experiences have both positive and negative impacts and every experience serves its purpose as a tool – one that helps us make better decisions in the future and to help others through their life experiences.

I believe it is important to have strong experiences that challenge my perspectives and creates a strong tool I can use throughout my life. While I have had a fair share of experiences in life, there is still so much I need to do and learn. It’s this desire to seek out new experiences that drew me to AMEND.

AMEND provides a unique and challenging experience – one that is so hands-on, so filled with responsibility…and accountability…it is guaranteed to push me beyond my current abilities.

I know I will learn many things and I can’t wait to jump right in the deep end!

I will not limit my challenges, instead, I will challenge my limits.

I know my skills will be tested. I know each challenge will strengthen me.

I can’t wait.

Every conversation, every meeting, every role I fill both within AMEND and with our clients will enhance my abilities. AMEND offers me the exact environment I need to push my abilities well beyond anything I learned in a classroom or at previous posts.

I’m confident I’ll find success at AMEND while also helping our clients achieve their goals. How can I be so sure? Because AMEND’s approach to team means even when I’m working on my own, I’m never alone. The other 40 team members and 5 partners have my back, always.

They take the time up front to bring us up to speed. They create a strong foundation that ensures success – both for me and our client.

While there’s no way for me to know every experience I will have during my time at AMEND, the one thing I know for sure is that each will sharpen my skills and broaden my abilities while delivering transformational results for our clients.