Meet Sumitro

Sumitro is a problem-solver, and is passionate about using his background in engineering and data analysis to
help develop business solutions for companies. Sumitro’s unique background in both engineering and business skills allows him to bring an interdisciplinary and innovative approach to any challenge he faces. He strives to excel in public speaking and is experienced in being able to structure his thoughts and communicate effectively to a wide variety of individuals. He loves to work in fast-paced environments, and relishes the chance to work in group settings, where he believes he functions best.


The Ohio State University, Industrial and Systems Engineering, Minors in Science, Engineering, Public Policy
and General Business


ISE, data analytics, strong work ethic, communication, being a people person, humor


Playing basketball, hiking, running, watching TV shows (really any sitcom (The Office, Parks and Rec, Brooklyn Nine Nine) although Game of Thrones and West World are two of my favorites dramas, also want to watch Breaking Bad this summer), watching basically any sport (except baseball and not that into golf), and eating a large variety of food cuisines

Fun Fact

I always like to throw in the fact that I was born in Iowa as a fun fact, because for some strange reason, when people see me, they can’t tell that I was born in Iowa. Aside from that, my favorite memory of all time is when I went skydiving in Queenstown, New Zealand during my study abroad trip last May and overcame my fear of heights simply due to peer pressure, it was both figuratively and literally, the peak of my life.


“Literally every single person I’ve talked with that has had a previous internship experience at AMEND absolutely raved about the culture, the work, and the incredible education they underwent while working here. My background in combining engineering/business has prepared and pushed me towards a path in consulting, which first attracted me to the company. From my brief conversations with Eric Vinson and Paul Delaney, I could tell this internship experience would challenge and help bring out the best in me, and being able to help clients and better the community of the place I grew up in, was too great of an offer to pass up.”

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