
Meet Joseph

Joseph believes in understanding the world as sets of nuances – each person and scenario distinctly unique. From this, Joseph desires to discover what makes every aspect of people (and systems) distinctly themselves. Understanding what drives and motivates others allows him to have honest conversations with teams to help individuals better frame and understand their own goals.

Away from work Joseph can be found searching Cincinnati for the perfect Cannoli or wandering the aisles of an REI.


The Ohio State University, B.S., Industrial Engineering


Business analytics, operations management


Cooking, Camping, Water Sports, Coffee, Board Games, Interior Design, Art, Shotguns, Sour Beers, Travel

Fun Fact

“I once hiked an entire mountain in Switzerland with a woman before she revealed to me that she was Billy Ray Cyrus’s ex-wife.”


“I couldn’t understand why I was feeling unfulfilled with my work. To organize my thoughts, I sat down and wrote out what I thought I needed in a career. The three pillars I came up with were: Autonomy, Impact, and People. My roommate at the time read the paper over my shoulder and said, ‘you might want to talk to AMEND.’ As far as I’m concerned, the rest is history.”

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