Meet Daniel

Daniel is an analytics driven person who always tries to leverage data to improve efficiency or solve a problem. Daniel combines his love of statistics and computer science together to solve complex problems and provide numbers backed solutions. Leveraging his educational background in Data Analytics with his eagerness to interact and help others, Daniel is the person that will take an Excel Spreadsheet, clean and transform it, and turn it into real life insights. Working efficiently and at a fast pace, he is focused on getting insights as quickly as possible without sacrificing the high quality he expects. Daniel uses out of the box thinking and cutting edge technologies to help tackle questions a client before thought were unrecognizable numbers on a computer screen. Outside of work, you can find Daniel embarrassing himself on the tennis court or worse, the golf course


Ohio State University, Data Analytics


R Studio, Java, Tableau, Data Analysis


Outside of work, you can find Daniel embarrassing himself on the tennis court or worse, the golf course.

Fun Fact

I am the lesser part of a pair of twins.


“AMEND defies the norm and does so in the best way possible, with such intelligent and driven people surrounding and wanting to see me succeed, I couldn’t see myself anywhere else. “

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