
Level Up Cincinnati and AMEND Consulting Walk the Walk in Non-Profit Corporate Collaboration

What is Level Up Cincinnati?

Level Up Cincinnati, a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering underserved first-generation college students through coaching, mentorship, and enrichment programs, has hit the ground running in its inaugural year, in part due to the invaluable support of its corporate partner, AMEND Consulting.

The value of giving back to the community

AMEND Consulting, a talent-led management consulting firm specializing in partnering with privately held, industrial middle-market companies, is renowned for its focus on delivering tangible and tailored solutions. Rooted in a hyper-competitive yet authentic and family-oriented culture, AMEND Consulting takes pride in nurturing the unique talents of its team members and fostering individual development and growth.

Additionally, AMEND Consulting’s commitment to personal and professional growth extends beyond the workplace. Paul Delaney, Partner at AMEND Consulting, emphasizes their core value of giving back, stating, “Active community participation is essential at AMEND. We actively seek opportunities to get involved and make a positive impact in the Cincinnati community.”

AMEND’s support of Level Up Cincinnati

AMEND’s involvement with Level Up Cincinnati goes beyond financial support. The company has generously contributed its time, resources, and expertise to help the organization achieve its mission. From assisting with CRM implementation to developing and piloting curriculum, measuring key performance indicators, and providing meeting spaces in their office, AMEND has played a crucial role in enabling Level Up Cincinnati to scale its program.

“We are immensely grateful to AMEND for their unwavering support,” expresses Jim Rodarte, Executive Director of Level Up Cincinnati. “Having a committed partner willing to roll up their sleeves and drive impactful projects is truly a game-changer. We consider ourselves fortunate to have them as allies in this endeavor.”

The impact of Level Up Cincinnati on the region

By supporting first-generation Black and Latinx college students from low-income families, Level Up aims to address the opportunity gap and create a more diverse and inclusive workforce in Cincinnati. The impact of Level Up extends far beyond individual students; it strengthens the Cincinnati community by fostering talent, cultivating future leaders, and promoting social and economic equity. Through its partnership with AMEND Consulting, Level Up Cincinnati can amplify its impact and create lasting change in the lives of these students and the broader community.

Pictured: Level Up students and mentors

Pictured: Level Up students and mentors

Adam Seal, Senior Technical Analyst at AMEND, who has closely collaborated with the Level Up team, shares his perspective on the broader impact: “AMEND, along with other esteemed organizations in Cincinnati, recognizes the significance of diverse backgrounds and experiences in the workforce when seeking new talent. In the coming years, I hope we can establish a pipeline of Level Up scholars directly joining the AMEND family.”

Delaney is particularly bullish on the impact of Level Up in the community. “Ensuring positive outcomes for first-gen students of color is going to have a ripple effect in our community that is incalculable. Corporate citizens and individuals have multiple ways to support Level Up. It’s time for us to step up and support these amazingly talented scholars”.

Non-profit corporate collaboration fosters substantial change

AMEND Consulting exemplifies a corporate partner that wholeheartedly engages in non-profit work to effect substantial change. Their contributions have enabled Level Up Cincinnati to expand its reach and help more students realize their aspirations. Their willingness to provide resources and knowledge is invaluable, and it sets an example for other companies to follow.