Case Studies

Analytics Unleashes Focus, Speed, and Downtime Reduction

Project Overview

project type
Decreasing Downtime
Cincinnati, OH

Project Description

This company was dealing with the same challenge almost every mid-market manufacturer is facing: How do we increase the chance of machine up-time and prioritize the right maintenance actions that will have the biggest impact? Together, we drove the implementation of a technology-driven preventive maintenance program that is world-class for the industry. Communications are faster. Maintenance is more effective. And, downtime is, well, down. In just one month, overall downtime dropped by 16% while their leading cause of downtime dropped by nearly 38%.


Reduction in Total Downtown


Reduction in Area 1 Downtime


Annualized Savings in Cost of Downtime

The AMEND Process

Setup Process

In order to understand downtime, you need to track it.

Create Tools

A team cannot reach its potential until it has the right tools to succeed.

Take Action

We stand side-by-side to ensure roll-outs are successful and sustainable.

The Solution

Machine Downtime Dashboard

We didn’t do anything miraculous. We simply allowed this company's leaders to leverage all the data and information their programs and machines were already collecting. We made it visible. We translated it into knowledge the company's leaders could use to make better decisions and drive action.

Preventative Maintenance Program

"We had been trying to put a preventive maintenance program in place for over a year. AMEND helped us do it in less than one month."

- Former Sr. Director of Operations