Case Studies

Building a Best-in-Class Supply Chain

Project Overview

project type
Supply Chain Management
Middle-Market Chemical Manufacturing
Cincinnati, OH

Project Description

Our client approached AMEND to formalize an actionable 3-year roadmap to construct a best-in-class supply chain department. The current supply chain resources reported up through two different departments, leading to unclear prioritization and buy-in needed from multiple stakeholders for any process improvements. The AMEND team developed a timeline to create process and results accountability, documented the organizational structure and key responsibilities needed to execute a supply chain plan, and established cross-departmental communication methods required for adjacent departments to operate at a higher efficacy.


Year Supply Chain Outlook


Supply Chain Initiatives


Positions Constructed within the Org Chart

The Solution

Developed 3-Year Supply Chain Department Strategy

Identified 13 high-impact supply chain concepts applicable to our client that could be implemented within the next three years. Outlined the expected hard and soft benefits, the required roles and responsibilities, and the next steps in establishing the concept’s process within our client’s organization

Built Future-State Supply Chain Organizational Chart to Execute Roadmap

Built out supporting organizational structure underneath the Supply Chain Manager, focusing on staffing resources throughout the entire supply chain. This included raw material planning, supply planning for future demand, supply execution for near-term customer demand, and transportation management for effective customer delivery.

Aligned Cross-Department Responsibilities & Communication Needs

Documented concepts that adjacent departments would be responsible for moving forward and outlined how decisions made in that department would impact the overall supply chain.

The AMEND Process

Understand Current State Capabilities

Interviewed executing resources and determined process efficacy level. Documented involved people, processes, and systems, and evaluated opportunity areas.

Define a Best-in-Class Supply Chain Department

Identified applicable concept, detailed high-level descriptions, and predicted hard and soft benefits. Documented roles and responsibilities required to execute a best-in-class department.

Bridge the Gap

Communicated preparation activities and next steps to implement the supply chain concepts. Projected time and resource investments to align management expectations.