For businesses that are serious about implementing lean manufacturing principles, AMEND offers lean certification.

We develop lean certification programs centering on the lean principles that will best enable you to meet your goals. We work with you to determine what you hope to achieve with lean certification. We will then establish a timeline, budget and strategic plan for your lean certification program.

Lean Certification is advantageous in a number of business areas:

Healthcare Lean Certification
AMEND tailors lean manufacturing principles to the operational structure of hospitals, physician practices, nursing homes, clinics, laboratories, and administrative and other health services.

Manufacturing Lean Certification
Using the Toyota Production System (TPS) Just in Time model, AMEND uses this lean certification program to reduce time, costs, and work space used, while optimizing product quality.

Administrative Lean Certification
AMEND applies lean process and management tools to streamline office and administrative functions on all levels. The result of administrative lean certification is bottom-line profit improvement.

Lean certification from AMEND demonstrates your organization’s commitment to quality and successful business practices.

Next: Learn from Amend’s Lean Manufacturing Consultants