Six Sigma is perhaps the most widely used organizational improvement philosophy.

Six Sigma provides a common structured approach for your team to address issues that align to meeting your business goals. It is a very disciplined process focused on delivering near-perfect products and services. Sigma is a statistical term to measure how far a given process deviates from perfection.

The idea behind Six Sigma is to measure how many “defects” your business processes contain and to eliminate them (“zero defects”). To achieve Six Sigma Quality, a process must produce no more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities to non-conform.

A team’s management must strengthen to remove these defects, and through doing so quality and productivity are substantially improved:

  • Statistical testing helps management uncover the root cause of a problem.
  • Benefits of improvement are quantified to provide incentives.
  • Simulating exercises help teams tackle complex situations.
  • Solutions devised are sustainable, with high success rates.

Various business leaders have noted that a 21st century business must focus on innovation and customer relationships more than ever before. As such, they argue that the Six Sigma methodology does not target all facets of today’s modern business.

Your AMEND consultant will partner Six Sigma with other tools and custom strategies to ensure your company competes in today’s changing market.

Next: Earn Six Sigma Training from AMEND