Transformation is something a lot of people talk about and aspire to, but it’s a concept that isn’t always quantifiable. That’s why we ask you to define what transformation means to you. We begin our relationship with you by helping you define where you want to go and then helping you assess how the organization will get there.

A lot of consultants will come in and tell you what’s wrong with your organization. Others will take their package and fit it into your organization, promising a silver bullet solution. At AMEND, we recognize that each industry, business and environment has its challenges.

That’s why we work in a close relationship with your organization – we think like owners – to investigate, develop a plan and then work with you in the execution of that plan. Our goal is for the changes we make together to outlive our consulting experience with you.

AMEND transformations yield dynamic, continuous progress.

Organizations we work with understand that if you’re not consistently improving, you’re falling behind. There is no “steady state” in business. AMEND designs our transformations to bring sustained improvement and return-on-investment. The measure is not whether you can sustain your transformation; it is whether your team is prepared to take on the next one.